Glenn Beck's March on History

I realize that demagogues love nothing more than to incite anger by ranting and raving and especially they love nothing more than drawing attention to themselves by controversial stunts and antics.  This is why it is always best to completely ignore such behavior just as a parent might ignore a child who is throwing a temper tantrum.  Beck's antics are on that level.  This latest stunt was just too insulting and provocative to ignore.

With no basis in reason and being completely based on emotion and fear, Beck consistently appeals to fascist elements in our society that are growing more and more acceptable as part of the mainstream.  Unfortunately his followers have limited knowledge of history and government and seems easily swayed by Fox news assertion of fair and balanced.

In case you have not heard, Beck's latest self-promotional tantrum involved a March on Washington.  Beck claimed to have not noticed that it was the anniversary of the Civil Rights March on Washington that was best remembered for Dr. King's, "I Have a Dream Speech."  Beck then went on to say kind remarks about King and even tried to invoke the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement.

Glenn Beck and his followers as well as Sarah Palin and the tea partiers have absolutely no understanding of the history of the civil rights movement and what Dr. King promoted.  Before his death, Dr. King was planning another protest, this one would involve the poor people of America that would camp out on the mall to protest social inequality, not just racial but economic.  Dr. King opposed the Vietnam War and took up many causes that angered conservatives.  These same positions did and would make him hated by Tea Partiers today.

Glenn Beck must certainly understand this or he is a complete idiot.  More likely he knows fully well what he is attempting to do and that is to hijack the popularity of the Civil Rights Movement and to somehow falsely weave it into the fabric of a non-existent tea party platform.  For this, Beck is worse than an idiot, he is someone without scruples, courage, morality or any sense of ethics.  He is willing to distort history to advance his causes.

But then again, should we have expected any less from a demagogue.


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