
Oklahoma State Questions - 2010 Election

Our Oklahoma legislature has managed to put some pretty silly ballot measures up for a vote this coming Tuesday.  Unfortunately, Oklahomans will swallow the bait hook, line and sinker.  Here is a look at those ballot measures and some reasons to oppose or support them. SQ 746 - Voter ID - NO - This measure would require identification to vote.  Republican lawmakers insist that if you need an ID at Wal-Mart to cash a check, then you should have ID to vote and it would prevent voter fraud.  First, there is absolutely no evidence of voter fraud.  People pretending to be someone else and voting for them just has not happened.  Second, this measure would disenfranchise people.  It sets up an additional barrier to voting.  I think of my grandmother who did not drive for nearly the last twenty years of her life.  She would have been required to obtain another identification in order to vote.  Voter turnout is already low without having to thr...

Why I Like the Tea Party

Though I would like to claim to have been this insightful, I owe most of this insight to the weekly commentary of Mark Shields and David Brooks on the PBS Newshour, especially Mark Shields. I think most observers can agree that the Tea Party (while maintaning amazingly high favorable ratings in the polls) are dangerously far right.  It is this extremism that appears to be most benefiting the Democrats from what could be a disastrous mid-term election cycle.  Already the Tea Party has influenced the nomination of extreme Republican candidates that have virtually no chance in a general election.  The most striking example being Deleware where a popular Republican shoe-in for the general election was defeated by a Tea Party backed candidate who 'could not be elected dogcatcher' in the words of the Republican Party Chairman for Deleware. From what I have heard of the now Republican candidate for U.S. Senator and her strange views, this appears to be true. However, as co...

"Spank His Butt!"

Recently while driving a bus, a parent told me rather emphatically that if his kid acts up, then I am to spank his butt and then tell him about it and he will spank it again when the boy gets home.  I have heard this many times while growing up in Southern culture from many classmates.  There was an almost certain pride in the number of times that a child could be beaten. Several years ago, when thinking I might want to go into school administration, I interviewed with a school board for a small town in Oklahoma.  The interview had gone great and was winding down.  The conversation was friendly and my feeling was that I had performed well.  The superintendent was smiling as was the four or five members of the school board.  Then a final question was asked.  Would I be willing to use corporal punishment.  I was not diplomatic or political in my answer as I should have been, but then again, maybe that was for the best.  My answer was unequi...

I Am a Felon, Though I Did Not Get Caught

Twice this Labor Day Weekend I violated the law for which I could be charged and convicted of a felony.  What did I do that was so bad?  I knowingly transported an illegal immigrant and thus helped to conceal him from authorities. The illegal alien I transported is a student at my school and a nearly life long resident of Oklahoma.  He is a great kid.  He is a terrific student, humble and unassuming and has perhaps the best work ethic of any young person that I have ever met.  His work ethic is demonstrated through his commitment to sport where he has shown a capacity to train harder than few people are willing to do.  All of this while holding down two jobs. Earlier this summer I had suggested college and that perhaps he could maybe get a small scholarship for the sport he works so hard at.  He shrugged and said that while he wanted to go to college, there was some problems with trying to attend. This weekend, I decided to bring the subject...

Islamaphobia and Stealth Jihad

There is a terrific article in Newsweek by Lisa Miller that attempts to make sense of the anger over a proposed mosque near (not on) ground zero.  So good was the article that it inspired me to pass along her thoughts and to expand on her amazing insights. First, Miller points out that many on the far right led by Newt Gingrich and others are sure of a 'stealth jihad'.  Apparantly the idea of 'stealth jihad' is running like wild fire through Fox News and other extremist media.  So what is it?  According to Gingrich, this is the secret plan for Muslims to take over America.  The Muslims will exploit our weakness and slowly inflitrate all levels of government and society.  What exactly is our weakness?  Freedom of religion, speech, and all the other first amendment mumbo jumbo. Many in America our just absolutely sure that the Muslims are well on there way toward doing this.  The Cordobo Project may look innocent and benevole...

Glenn Beck's March on History

I realize that demagogues love nothing more than to incite anger by ranting and raving and especially they love nothing more than drawing attention to themselves by controversial stunts and antics.  This is why it is always best to completely ignore such behavior just as a parent might ignore a child who is throwing a temper tantrum.  Beck's antics are on that level.  This latest stunt was just too insulting and provocative to ignore. With no basis in reason and being completely based on emotion and fear, Beck consistently appeals to fascist elements in our society that are growing more and more acceptable as part of the mainstream.  Unfortunately his followers have limited knowledge of history and government and seems easily swayed by Fox news assertion of fair and balanced. In case you have not heard, Beck's latest self-promotional tantrum involved a March on Washington.  Beck claimed to have not noticed that it was the anniversary of the Civil Rights Marc...

My First Blog

This is actually a second blog.  My first is mtntrailrunner and will detail my explorations, triumphs, and tragedies in ultrarunning.  I wanted to separate this blog because it might be more sensitive as it is meant to express opinions and commentary related to politics, religion and current events.  I will also occassionally write about family.  For instance, Olivia is riding her bike well today without training wheels and all three kids seem to be ready for the upcoming kids triathlon. This initial blog is just an introduction and I hope that future blogs will be insightful and if lucky, someone will read them.